What should the theme for 2021’s Ride To Work Day be? Well, FUN seems like a good idea to us.

We have spent months throwing around ideas at MAG Central for how to refresh the Ride To Work Day campaign for 2021. March 2020 saw the start of what we all hoped would be a brief inconvenience, but the following 14 months were a sobering period for us all.
As we mused about themes for the campaign a growing realisation became apparent: we have all been far too serious for far too long. With the announcement of the Government’s irreversible road map out of lockdown in February, we immediately spotted the serendipity. June 21st combines the removal of all lockdown limitations along with this year’s Ride To Work Day. The thought of finally being able to have fun again chimed.
Interestingly, as soon as you hit on an idea other people seem to have the same idea too. This is a good thing because it shows you have arrived at the same conclusion independently. Who had the idea first? Who cares when it is the right idea?
Commuting on a motorcycle
Commuting on a motorcycle is never going to be suitable for everyone. Some will never get it, but that doesn’t mean it is wrong for everyone either. Our campaign is not about bullying or sending everyone on a guilt trip. We are not going to spend too much time getting all academic – we have all spent enough time looking at graphs and statistics as we sat in anti-viral confinement. So, let’s keep it simple.
I can list a host of reasons why ditching the car in favour of a motorcycle or scooter is a good idea. But let’s face it: the respectable justifications often mask the real reasons why anyone jumps on two wheels.
We can become conditioned to hiding just how much fun we are having because we don’t want to make others jealous.

It’s just more fun!
It’s time to come clean. We admit it: we ride because it is more fun than sitting in a car. Why would we sit in a queue of traffic panicking that we are going to be late or frowning at other road users? That would be miserable. We have a choice – and we make it. We choose fun.
If riding to work is a guilty pleasure, shouldn’t we free ourselves of any guilt by sharing the pleasure? Those drivers sitting there drumming the steering wheel, or leaning on the horn could be invited to join our party. Why should they be excluded? There is no-one saying that they can’t have some fun on their commute too. They won’t find much fun sat behind the wheel though.
Opening someone’s eyes to the fun they are missing out on is itself a rewarding process. We cannot expect anyone to join our party if they peep through the door and see us all looking miserable. Solution? Have more fun.
Our mission is to encourage everyone to embrace the fun, and it can be your mission too. When you arrive at work ask your colleagues if they had fun on the way to work. You may find that it is hard to find one that says ‘yes’. As the day comes to an end ask your colleagues if they are looking forward to getting back behind the wheel. Shouldn’t you help them have a better day?
Life is too short to be miserable. The more boring and dull your day the worse it feels. Look for excuses to bring fun back into your life. Build fun into everything you do – including the commute.
Join us for Ride To Work Day 2021.