Ride To Work Day is an international campaign promoted in the UK by The Motorcycle Action Group (MAG). We advocate the use of motorcycles and scooters for travel to work, by providing information about the benefits of utility riding.

The international campaign originated in the US in 1992. It has been held annually on the third Monday in June. But from 2024 the event will move to the second Tuesday in June. Join us to celebrate next year’s Ride To Work Day on 11th June 2024.
Motorcycles are a key part of a multi-modal and sustainable transport future. They provide social, economic and environmental benefits in a world currently dominated by the car.
More commuters are turning to motorcycles as a better solution than the car. Motorcycles offer a way to fill the gap between active travel and public transport without relying on the car.

Help reduce congestion for all road users by forgoing the car and choosing a motorcycle. You will reduce carbon emissions and improve air quality in towns and cities. In addition, reduced congestion will improve mental wellbeing for work forces and create massive economic savings for the country.
Ride to work – you may be surprised by how much time and money you save. Not only that, as a rider you will have much more fun!

If you still want to stay in your car, please remember to look out for and give space to those that are riding.
Spread the word by using our resources to communicate the key messages on social media and work place noticeboards.
We will be posting articles in our blog to explain the benefits of riding. Remember all gains for the individuals riding are matched by benefits for those still using their cars.