For Ride To Work Day 2023, the Motorcycle Action Group (MAG) is investigating workplace parking facilities. Our survey asks riders for details covering the availability, quality and security of workplace motorcycle parking.

One thing cannot be denied; if you ride to work you are going to need somewhere to park your bike. Motorcycle parking is often just an afterthought, if not entirely ignored. Car, and increasingly cycle, parking is a given at most workplaces. But the motorcyclist is often left to make the best of a bad job. We are running this survey to get a feel for how well the motorcycle commute is being supported by employers.
In order to increase the popularity of this congestion-busting commuter option, MAG is asking employers to bring their motorcycle parking provision up to scratch. Firstly, MAG will answer the question: how well are employers doing? MAG is then asking all riders to give a copy of a new motorcycle parking guide to their company.
New this year, the Ride To Work Day resource pack includes an employers’ guide to motorcycle parking. This simple booklet gives employers tips and advice to help them facilitate this sustainable commuting option.
Put the Action in:
If your workplace has its own parking facilities, please complete the short survey here:
You don’t necessarily need to be a regular motorcycle commuter to answer the questions. Once you have completed the survey, why not give your boss a copy of our handy guide?
We will collate the survey responses and publish the results on Ride To Work Day 2023.